Welcome tothe Barrio
Vecinos tells the story of neighbors, brought together by proximity, but held together by something much more personal. Roberto hasn’t done much changing lately, but even from his couch he’s seen his neighborhood become a place he barely recognizes. When Maria moves in down the hall from him, though, Roberto has no choice but to consider the good side of change. Vecinos reminds us that no matter how easy it is to lose your identity in a city that won’t sit still, it’s even easier to lose it when you’re the one sitting still.

This is a movie that
everyone will connect to,
Told With an all-latino cast.


Written By
Rupert Reyes
Directed By
Alex Avila
Produced By
Rupert Reyes, Joann Carreon-Reyes, Alex Avila, JoJoanie Segura Moreno, Karinna Perez Cantu, AND Raul Garza
Production Company
Pinche Lampara Productions

An Authentic Look
At What It Means To Be Vulnerable.

Our story
Our story begins in 2008, when audiences in Austin, Texas attended sold out performances of Vecinos, a play written by Rupert Reyes and produced by Teatro Vivo. We were nominated as Best New Play in 2008 and eventually published. With the universal theme of love as a driving force in our story and production, we knew that this beautiful story needed to reach more people and start more conversations.
Our movie wouldn’t exist without the help of a wide community of supporters. In fact, it was the financial support of 138 Seed & Spark donors that enabled us to take Vecinos from the stage to the silver screen. We want to acknowledge those donors for their connection to this story and for their support of this production.

Behind The Scenes

Bring Vecinos To Your Barrio
Want to feel the love, but don’t see your city? Maybe you caught us at one of our past screenings and weren’t able to connect, let’s change that! Contact us below to find out how you can bring Vecinos to your neighborhood.
Upcoming Screenings
San Antonio, TX
Saturday, Jan 1, 8:00PM
Alamo Drafthouse – Lamar
Dallas, TX
Saturday, Jan 1, 8:00PM
Alamo Drafthouse – Lamar
Austin, TX
Saturday, Jan 1, 8:00PM
Alamo Drafthouse – Lamar

Get In Touch
Fill out the form below if you would like to get in touch with us here
at Pinche Lampara Productions about Vecinos or any other productions.